Meeting Objectives:
CORE THEME 1: Transfer and Articulation Proposed Descriptive Statement:
Core Theme Team: Central Oregon Community College students will have the academic attainment and skills necessary to transfer and articulate successfully to institutions of higher learning beyond the community college level.
Strategic Planning Committee: Students will have the academic achievement and skills necessary to transfer and articulate successfully to institutions of higher learning beyond the community college level.
Proposed Strategic Objectives:
Objective 1.1:
Core Theme Team: Maximize entry, support, and exit services to promote access and success for students intending to transfer.
Strategic Planning Committee: Maximize support services, from entrance to transfer, to promote access and success for students intending to transfer.
Objective 1.2:
Core Theme Team: Maintain and strengthen student opportunities to make reasonable progress toward degree completion and/or transfer.
Strategic Planning Committee: Maintain and strengthen student opportunities to make progress toward degree completion and/or transfer.
Objective 1.3:
Core Theme Team: Provide students with a rigorous, high-quality general education experience
Strategic Planning Committee: Provide students a high-quality general education.